
Lizzy Care Resources

Navigating Dementia Care: Make Home a Haven for your Loved One

Facing a dementia diagnosis in your family introduces a myriad of challenges. And as caregivers, you’re tasked with decisions that affect the well-being and comfort of your loved one. One of the most pivotal decisions is selecting the right living arrangements. While various options exist, from assisted living to memory care facilities, there’s a compelling case to be made for keeping your loved one at home. 

Woman sitting at home and her daughter reading

A sense of familiarity, comfort, and safety are among the noted benefits of progressing at home discussed in Supporting people with dementia to live at home by Monica Leverton and Patrick Pui Kin Kor. The authors listed additional benefits—prolonged independence and delayed emotional turmoil on the part of the caregiver—as well as risks—safety, physical, and emotional well-being. Here, we share how we address those items to empower families to make this possible, providing access to essential tools, resources, and the support needed to ensure a safe, comfortable, and nurturing environment at home.

Safety and Comfort in Familiar Surroundings

Safety is paramount in dementia care, as the disease often leads to behaviors like wandering or confusion. Transforming a home into a secure and dementia-friendly environment can mitigate these risks. By installing safety locks and alarms and removing potential hazards, such as loose rugs that could cause trips and falls, and securing or locking away potentially dangerous items like cleaning chemicals and sharp kitchen tools, families can create a safer living space that significantly reduces the risk of accidents and enhances the well-being of their loved ones with dementia. Companies like Lizzy Care can also offer guidance and resources to implement these safety measures effectively and to ensure peace of mind for both you and your loved one. (Find out more information on how to work with Lizzy Care by booking a free consult.)

Preserve Emotional Well-being

The emotional health of both the caregiver and the person with dementia is crucial. Caregiving, while rewarding, can also be emotionally taxing. Taking advantage of resources, when they are available to you, is encouraged (Lizzy Care can help).  For those with dementia, remaining in familiar surroundings can significantly impact their emotional and psychological health positively, fostering a sense of stability and normalcy.

Enhance Social Interaction and Engagement

Social engagement is vital for individuals with dementia. Regular socialization helps those living with dementia to maintain cognitive functions and emotional health.  Whether through virtual events, connecting with local support groups, or arranging safe visits, help ensure that your loved one remains connected to the world around them. For our part, Lizzy Care believes in the power of community and provides solutions to keep your loved one socially active even from home.

Make Home Care Work With Lizzy Care

Choosing to care for your loved one at home doesn’t mean going it alone. Lizzy Care is your partner in navigating the complexities of dementia care. Our platform offers:

  • Expert Guidance: Access to professionals who can help tailor your care approach to your loved one’s specific needs.
  • Resources and Tools: From safety modifications to educational materials, everything you need to make your home a safe haven.
  • Support Networks: Connecting you with other caregivers for shared experiences, advice, and emotional support.

Read our article on creating a dementia friendly home for a checklist of practical things to change around the home.

Ready to Embrace Home Care in Dementia?

Caring for a loved one with dementia at home is not just a possibility—it’s an opportunity to provide care filled with love, dignity, and respect. With Lizzy Care, you’re never alone on this journey.

If you’re considering home care for your loved one with dementia, Lizzy Care is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us to discuss how we can support you in creating a nurturing home care environment. Together, we can make aging at home a safe, comfortable, and loving option for your loved one.

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